Back in the saddle again!

I'm back from my journeys!  Seattle, San Francisco, Virginia Beach, and New York City.  Yesterday I was traveling from 8 am Eastern time till 10 pm pacific time.  Now I'm back though and trying to get my life together!  I got fired from my job the day I left on my trip, so now I have to find some employment.  But great news... my Love is back from his Navy training!  So at least for a while we get to be in the same place!

Men's Shirt/Goodwill : Jeans/Sinister (altered) : Bandana/thrift

In other good news, the lovely Parapluie gave me an award!!!  I love her blog and am so honored that she would give me an award.  Plus, this is my first award of all time!  Yay!

I will pass this award on to Luphia Loves, Flair To Remember, Thumbelina and The Clothes Horse.
Go check them out, they are great!

Job Hunting


Long time, no see