Poker Face

Okay, I know I said I was going to introduce the Blogger of the Moment, but I have been so busy with a big family reunion this weekend that I haven't gotten to it yet. I think it will probably happen next post. I hate to postpone the introduction, but I promise it will be better if I wait until I have the energy to devote to it.

There are currently like 30 people in my house, all of whom I'm related to...
Yikes! It's fun though. By the time its all over, I will probably need a whole 'nother vacation. Funny how when you get back from vacation, you feel like you need a vacation.

cute outfit monochromatic black white nautical forever 21
cute outfit monochromatic black white nautical forever 21
cute outfit monochromatic black white nautical forever 21
shirt/thrift : skirt/forever21

Here is a tasty photo from my lunch a few days ago. Salmon caesar salad, a classic. Yum!
salmon caesar salad food

Blogger of the Moment! The first edition...

