
Oh my, I must tell you guys, I just found the cutest terrarium DIY over at Design*sponge! I think I will go home and make one, straightaway.

Now to figure out where I can find some moss to put in my terrarium. I don't know where moss grows here, I've never looked before. I'm sure it's all around my house and I never noticed. Today it is that perfect, gloomy, rainy day. A superb day for a moss-hunt. I hope it lasts a long time. It would be wonderful to have something green and growing inside the house when the snow comes.

Well, I'm at work presently, but I will post later on my conquering of Vogue and the interesting things I found upon actually reading the words. I know, this makes me sound like a dunce, but I've trained myself for so long to be mainly a picture-reader of magazines that it is very unnatural for me to read the words within them! What a horrible thing I have trained myself to do. So far all of the articles I've read in this issue of Vogue have been very good, and I will disect them and other interesting tidbits in a post later today. For now-- an hour more of being at this job o' mine.

Terra et terrarium.


Interview Day.