Blogger of the Moment! The third edition...
Well, folks, it's time for the third Blogger of the Moment interview! This next BOTM is the lovely Rebecca of The Clothes Horse. I find it hard to believe that you haven't stopped by her site, but if you haven't, go there immediately! Okay, well, you can stay and read the interview, but then, go there immediately! When I first started reading fashion blogs, The Clothes Horse was the first one I regularly stopped by, and was the one which helped me decide to start one myself. She is a lovely spirit with a unique perspective on life, style, and art. Read on and get to know a little more about The Clothes Horse...
It was awesome. The best thing was just meeting 20 other fashion bloggers with similar interests and passions, but entirely different style. That conference was really about active users on Weardrobe--so I encourage people to join communities like that.
As for opportunities from my blog, it really has just started recently. I get items to review every so often and now people are interested in doing giveaways--which are great for my readers. Also, while I was in Greece a Greek blogger (Fashion Architect) found me and then we met up and she got me seats at some shows at Athens Fashion Week. A blog is a great platform to interact and connect with other bloggers.
2. Why did you start The Clothes Horse?
There are so many reasons. One; I was bored and had just returned from Japan to rural Pennsylvania and needed a form of escapism. Another one is: I enjoyed reading blogs so much, but I was tired of not being able to interact with some of my favorite bloggers--so I thought, "I'll start my own and then they won't think I'm a total creeper when I comment on their site every day."
3. Your blog focuses on your personal style, but you also seem very interested in art. Who are some of your favorite artists?
Rauschenberg is my favorite modern artist. I love how ground-breaking he was and how he can seem to master any medium.
Dale Chihuly's glass works are always so gorgeous and placed in the most impractical areas.
Tiziano Vecellio or Titian partly because I have an obsession with red hair...Escher is another favorite of mine. I'm addicted to prints and very detailed pieces of art.
This is such a difficult question...I graduated from high school in Hawaii and I think that might be my favorite place. I will never get tired of visiting new places and I loved Japan so much, but Hawaii was a place where I felt like I could return there and feel at home. The weather is perfection, the people are so nice, and there's so much to do and see in Hawaii. If I can ever afford it, I will live in Hawaii...but I haven't decided on whether I like the Big Islandmore or Oahu.
5. Now that you've graduated college, what are your plans for the future? Do you have any interest in a career in fashion, or is your interest in style merely personal?
I'm interested in a career in fashion on some instances, but I don't think I can pursue it, because it is such a strange realm...I fear I would get eaten alive, to be honest. I think I'll stick to fashion blogging and maybe turn my Internet activities into my part-time job. Right now, I studying for the LSAT and I might go to law school next fall. Also, I want to open up a small Etsy shop and sell some prints of my drawings.
6. What is your favorite part about blogging? Have you met interesting people or gained any friends from blogging?
My favorite part of blogging is the pictures. I enjoy taking pictures and finding new haunts to photograph and then also collecting images that inspire
me. My blog gives me an excuse to do the above activities and a place to collect them in.Well, from the Weardrobe Conference I feel like I have a lot of new friends. I'm actually quite sad that none of us live close to each other...and they were all very interesting people. If there is a "type" of person who blogs about style, then I think it is an intriguing type of person.
7. Besides the Weardrobe conference, have you ever met up with any other fashion bloggers in person?
Yes, Lopi from Fashion Architect and Kam Martin from Needle+Thread (a Seattle street fashion blog). Every experience has been positive, but I'm still a shy person and it is a bit nerve-wracking to meet people you've only communicated with online.
Yes, Lopi from Fashion Architect and Kam Martin from Needle+Thread (a Seattle street fashion blog). Every experience has been positive, but I'm still a shy person and it is a bit nerve-wracking to meet people you've only communicated with online.
8. What does style mean to you?
Style is an outward reflection of an inward state of being; it's your interests, beliefs, passions, and the state of being that you're in at this very moment. Just like trends in fashion reflect our current
economic, social, and political times, our personal style reflects the person we are at a moment in time.
9. Do you prefer vintage or designer styles?
I love vintage and it makes up a good part of what I wear. I'm more likely to like a vintage piece I find, but there are some designer styles I would probably kill to get my hands on...
10. What is your favorite era?
The 1920s; I'm fascinated by all the changes that happened in that period. The voice women
I love vintage and it makes up a good part of what I wear. I'm more likely to like a vintage piece I find, but there are some designer styles I would probably kill to get my hands on...
10. What is your favorite era?
The 1920s; I'm fascinated by all the changes that happened in that period. The voice women
started to have in society and the dramatic changes in roles that were reflected in fashion. It was a climatic and dramatic moment in history--like the Renaissance, which is another period of enjoying learning about. Unfortunately, I don't feel the 1920s silhouette suits me.
11. How has blogging affected your life?
It has given me a fantastic hobby--I now feel I have an excuse to snap pictures of random things regularly and to dress very freely. It even helped me bond with some new friends in Greece, though it was a little strange to discover some people in the group had "girl crushes" on me because of my blog and style! Overall, blogging flows
very naturally into my life; I feel that I am recording and gathering random bits rather than taking time outside of them or missing key moments. It has probably made me more confident too--I don't have a lot of people around me in life affirming my decisions or friends with similar
passions/styles/etc, so the fact people seem to enjoy my blog has made me less afraid to dress the way I dress and follow the things that excite me.12. Who are some of your favorite bloggers, and did
you have a blogger who inspired you to start The Clothes Horse?
Agathe of Style Bytes probably inspired me the most to start--her style was vintage, but eclectic and every photograph was wonderfully styled and captured. My favorite bloggers have been the big wigs, but since I met people at the Conference some of my new favorites (partly because I want to share a fashion commune with them) are: Calivintage, Style Rookie, Blue Collar Catwalk, Style Magnet, and really so many others that it would be ridiculous to list them all!
There yah go! Now, by all means, jump on over to The Clothes Horse's blog straightaway!