Fashion, turn to the left

Well, I just got back from my fashion show. It was certainly fun. As a VIP, I got to sit in the front row and got a goodie bag! I was going to get style shots of attendees but by the end I had used up all the space on my camera's card, and, well, the style wasn't that impressive. There were one or two girls who looked great, but, folks, I saw CROCS there. Crocs!! I almost just got up and left. That might have been only second to the sweatshirt and track pants one other girl was wearing. Granted, it was a fundraiser for a high school, but still. It was cute to see how people interpreted fashion-show-style. 90% of the girls were wearing short semi-formal dresses. It was kind of a reacquaintance with Alaskan "style." I was the only girl there who had real bangs, not the side sweep bangs. Alaska is always about 2 years behind any trend. Only just now are skinny jeans "in."