So, today I did a photo shoot for the little boutique I work for! It was fun having clothes that aren't my own to work with in a photo shoot. Plus, we got to have a bunch of bags and accessories too. Unfortunately, my camera's battery is old and didn't last very long. I would've liked to be able to shoot longer to get the perfect shots in each of these outfits, but oh well. I think it turned out wonderfully as it was.
All in all, it was pretty fun. But more exciting: I got the photos back from the photo shoot I did at the beginning of the month! I will share those later though. They are insane.
all clothes/cosette :: black booties/payless :: brown boots/target
I got a brand new lens for my camera yesterday, and I am STOKED on it. I wish I'd had more time to work with it and iron out the kinks before having to do a shoot, but I think it did fine. Unfortunately I was not behind the camera for this shoot, so I wasn't able to really see the composition/exposure. My coworker took the photos, and I think she did a pretty good job! It would've been hard to use a self timer/tripod for this shoot.
Also, we were supposed to have one of our coworkers do hair and make-up, but she never showed, so my hair remained wild and unruly and I did a quick make-up job on myself. Ideally, a lot of things would've been different for the shoot, but for such a short notice thing, I think it went pretty great.
Can you tell what temperature it was in these photos? LOW TWENTIES people. I could barely feel my hands near the end.