The Buried Life

The sun actually had a little bit of warmth to it today! As long as you were standing directly in it, that is. It was hovering around 10 degrees though. Winter seems to last forever sometimes. I am simply aching to get to NYC for the Chictopia10 conference and NYFW festivities. It seems like all my blogger friends will be there! If only I had a few more Alaska Air miles!

top(leotard)/F21 :: skirt/thrifted :: tights/lulu e. bebe :: boots/payless

I found another Winnebago, and I'm waiting to hear back from the guy if it's still available. It's so damn hard to try to buy a motorhome in Washington from all the way in Alaska. I watched an episode of The Buried Life on MTV today, and it just made me that much more excited about the whole project. I like the outlook those guys have on life. I'd like to marry someone with that kind of zest for living. I mean, we're living life right now. Why wait? Life is here for the taking! I've GOT to get moving on my Winnebago.


Alyeska Afternoon


Decades of Baltimore Giveaway!