From Russia, With Love

I have been aching to show you all this dress since I thrifted it last week. It's probably my new favorite thing in my closet. It's all handmade! Someone made it themselves and I got it at a thrift store, how cool! It has a 60's mod feel to it and I was walking around in it the other day and thought that maybe someone made it as a halloween costume and there I was just wearing it as regular clothes! If you styled it right it would be the perfect Austin-Powers-girl dress. I feel awfully sexy in it even though it's not necessarily a "sexy" dress. I had to put on the fur hat because when I wear the dress with the hat it makes me feel like a girl in a Bond movie where Bond is at some Swiss ski chalet and he's chasing bad guys on skis and I'm the sexy ski chalet girl he tries to seduce.

This dress is actually a perfect winter dress. It's very warm. Today it's about 30 degrees, too, so I felt like I could be outside for hours doing my photos! The difference between 10 and 30 degrees is so amazing. Actually, a couple weeks ago there was a city in AK that was -56 F and another that was 46 F. Over a hundred degrees difference in one state. Unbelievable eh? It kind of blew my mind.

dress/thrifted :: leggings/F21 :: boots/lulu e. bebe :: hat/dunno. we've had it forever

I actually wore this dress last night to go out with some friends, but I had to put it on again this morning to take pictures of it. If anyone lives in Anchorage, you should go to Taproot on Huffman, it's really great. I drank the most incredible beer there. They have beers and wines from all over the world. I'm pretty sure they have live music every night, too. A very cool place, indeed.

Oh, and for those of you who were wondering, yes, that is a zipper. The whole dress can unzip, isn't that funny?

Blogger of the Moment! The seventh edition...


Rock me, mama, like a southbound train.