buried at the bottom of a brackish lake
When I was doing my photos by that truck the other day, I found this little stack of wood and tires. When I was younger we used to make forts and stuff down here and I wonder if this is left over from then. One of my favorite things about growing up in Alaska is all the outdoor fun we had as kids (and still have as adults!). I spent hours and hours outside tromping through the woods pretending to be a Native or a dog musher or some other rugged persona. We'd make forts and come up with imaginary stories in which we were main characters. Instead of playing "house" we used to play "bush family." I remember mushing up leaves and bark pretending to make some sort of medical salve, and "fishing" by using a stick to pull clumps of grass out of ponds (the bigger the clump of grass, the bigger the fish, obviously). I hope that when I have kids I live somewhere they can have as much creative fun as I did as a kid.
boots/target :: necklace/courtesy of dolly and boy