how to disappear completely
Oh my goodness. I came home from work last night and napped for like three hours. Wow. I didn't even want to get up. Clearly I haven't caught up on sleep from my weekend of traveling. And I haven't caught up on telling you guys about LA either. Okay, tomorrow. It's happening.
At work we've had this assignment to design some t-shirts for our staff to wear. Me and the other graphic designer weren't really given any direction except that it should be only 1 or 2 colors, so we started designing. My thoughts regarding the assignment were that I should design something that I would want to wear outside of work, since that's automatic advertisement. What use is it to the company to make me a t-shirt that I'll never wear? But anyway, my boss totally didn't "get" my designs. Le sigh. I mean, I knew exactly what he'd say about them when I made them, but it's still annoying. We make the most boring shit about 95% of the time and I just wanted to make something cool and that the employees would actually want to wear. Yeah, this is the same guy who called me by
the wrong name last week. I cringe every time he walks into the art department.
shoes/thrifted :: necklace/courtesy of dolly and boy
Sometimes I'm afraid I'll never be able to happily work for other people. I just get so frustrated with other people's incompetence. I feel like this makes me sound like a control freak, but it's just exhausting sometimes. Perhaps this is why I'm such a loner. I like not having anyone to blame but myself. I guess I just need to work for myself! I'm actually really looking forward to writing a book or two when I'm on the Brave trip. One of them is going to just be a photo book, kinda like a coffee table book, but the other one will be art, writing, photography, etc. I've secretly always wanted to write a novel, but I can only write like one chapter before totally losing focus.
I really like wearing yellow, but I don't do it nearly often enough. I guess I don't have that many yellow things in my closet... Yellow was my favorite color as a kid. I feel like I'm rediscovering wearing all these really bright colors. All fall and winter I was dominated with really muted tones and layers, but now that summer has erupted I'm exploring this jubilee of color! I almost feel like it's been unintentional and the season just has hijacked my outfits and made all of them bursting with color. Haha, I'm onto your tricks, summer. Well, if ever there was a time to be a walking rainbow, it's summertime!