Be Brave

When Jess from Jess LC asked the Delightful Dozen to help do the lookbook for her new collection, I was so excited, especially because of the necklace I chose to model. All of them have an inspirational phrase on on side and then it's in braille on the other. There are five phrases, and naturally I chose "Be Brave." As the Brave trip gets nearer and nearer I have an almost bipolar anticipation. Sometimes I'm just so thrilled to go, and then the more practical side of me thinks of all the things that can go wrong and I get scared. There's always going to be that part in the back of my mind that's going to run though worst case scenarios. I mean, I'm going to be on the road, by myself with no backup. It's all me. I have to have my own back. I'm excited though. I feel like it's going to really galvanize me, and I need that right now. I saw this quote on Tara's blog, The Organic Sister (a fellow traveler– I'm sure you know I'm in love with the flying W in her header image. She's got a Brave too!), and it really embodies how I feel about life right now: "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing"– Helen Keller

top/thrifted :: Flowers Keepers skirt/courtesy of ModCloth
shoes/minnetonka :: necklace/courtesy of Jess LC :: hat/claire's
You can check out the rest of the Dozen's styling at Jess' blog Make Under My Life and at the Jess LC site.

I'm pretty sure florals are taking over my life. For someone who has never worn florals before in her life, I'm livin' it up. I pretty much shunned girly clothes all through my youth and adolescence. I've had a pretty good girly stint lately. I'm kind of anticipating a shift back to more "masculine" dress. Not necessarily menswear, but definitely more plaids, dark colors and tougher fabrics.


Home sweet home


Waiting in the Wings