I've sat upon the setting sun
After leaving Little Rock I was originally going to head south towards New Orleans, but on my way out of town I decided instead to continue my trek eastward and into Tennessee. At this point in my trip I really have no clue where I'll be going on any given day. I've pretty much seen all the things I've planned on seeing (except Austin, TX and New Orleans). Part of me thinks I won't be happy until I hit the Atlantic and can't go any further. We'll see.
It's been getting cold at night lately, but it's still been in the 60's and 70's during the day, which is kind of funny because that's like summer in Alaska. Right now it's snowing at home! I'm excited to fly home for Christmas. What a change in scenery, eh? Lots of snow, super short days, family, it's going to be ridiculous. Little Bit will probably be glad to be home for a second until Simon attacks her and she remembers how obnoxious he is.
I was really excited to visit Starr in person because she had just put some new stuff up for swap with the Delightful Dozen, and I knew I could grab them while I was there! I haven't been able to do swaps since I left on my trip, since I have no address to receive mail at until I go home for Christmas. I got this great little dress from Starr as well as a couple other DD swap items, so I'll be doing a few swaps in the coming weeks! Starr also had a bunch of old stuff she was giving away and let me go through the bags before she got rid of them. All that, plus a little visit to Savers, means I have new clothes to wear! Pretty exciting for someone who only shops at gas stations... for gasoline.