the shop around the corner

Here are some more pictures of my visit to Red Velvet! It was super inspiring to visit Elsie, Emma and Jeremy, and I think I gained some great perspective from their outlooks on life. It was a pleasure talking to them (even though I didn't really talk to Jeremy, haha. His music studio looked like a little piece of heaven though!). I've often thought of opening my own little vintage shop, or possibly a coffee shop/music venue and it was really cool to see it being done in real life, right there in front of my eyes-- and incredibly successfully to boot! Red Velvet is by far one of the cutest little shops I've ever seen and her vintage clothes and housewares are just amazing.

Emma's sweets shoppe was adorable and full of delicious treats! She sent me off with some of her delectable cupcakes and I ate a red velvet one for breakfast yesterday morning. Yum! Cupcakes for breakfast, yes-- yes I am living the dream. Haha!

And Little Bit had fun making friends with customers and laying around in patches of sunlight on the floor...


long as I can see the light


every time you close your eyes