it's a shoreline, and it's half speed

Yesterday afternoon I took a little break from working and went on an adventure to Pt. Defiance again. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite adventure spots in the Tacoma area. There's just so much to do! Yesterday I visited Owen Beach, which I'd never been to before. I really love how Northwest beaches are rocky and have tons of driftwood on them. It reminds me of my childhood in Alaska going on outdoor treks with my parents. I distinctly remember this one photograph of myself when I was about 6 years old, climbing on the branch of a driftwood tree wearing a little t-shirt with a wolf on it (I loved wolves when I was little and even sponsored a wolf cuz I was afraid they'd go extinct!) and a black/grey acid wash skirt. I should find that photograph and recreate the outfit.

dress/lulu e. bebe :: tights/target :: cardigan/gap :: boots/dolce vita for target

I love how green everything is in the woods, what with all the moss and leaves. I feel like most of us living in more urban areas so often exist in a greyish world, so it's fun to be somewhere really green and vibrant! It helped that the sun was out and shining bright today, so rare this time of year! I'm seriously getting thrilled for summer. I can't wait till the days of bare legs, sunglasses and no fenders on my bike. What are you guys looking forward to most about summer?

I'm getting super excited about INDIE starting tomorrow! There are still some spaces available, so if you haven't signed up yet and want to be a part of it, click here!


INDIE giveaway!


summer lovin'