Avocado Bacon Melt
Thanks again to pinterest, avocados are once again a must-have in my kitchen. Well, they're always a must-have, but I try not to splurge all the time on avocados... it's hard not to though. They're pretty much one of my all time favorite foods. I'd been seeing a ton of avocado toast/sandwich/melt pictures on pinterest and it was only a matter of time before it came to this: Bacon Avocado Grilled Cheese. Yeah. I know.
When I was a kid I hated grilled cheese. It made me gag, literally. I hated melted cheese on any kind of sandwich. I think I was probably just not a cheese fan in general. I avoided them for ... okay until I was an adult. And then I had this one grilled cheese at a coffee shop in Spokane and it changed my life. I'm pretty sure it was a Muenster, Provolone and Feta grilled cheese and it blew my mind. Now I love making grilled cheese, especially if I can melt two or three tasty cheeses together. And what can go better with three tasty cheeses than bacon and avocado? For this one I used cheddar, mozzarella and parmesan. Yum!