Drifts of white
Day two of being snowed in. Today it's warmed up a bit, so now everything has turned to ice! Powerlines are falling and the roads are outrageous! So strange, just a week ago there wasn't even a hint of snow. Yesterday it was beautiful outside with the fluffy snow. All the neighborhood kids were outside building snow forts and having snow battles. Now it's just an icy, crunchy mess! Unfortunately I have errands I have to do, so I'm trying to scheme how to get stuff done out in this mess. I think I may need a grilled cheese sandwich to fuel my excursions... and maybe a bowl of tomato soup to keep me warm.
Back when I lived in Alaska and it looked like this outside for about 6 months, I would get comments (both in real life and on the blog) saying, "aren't you cold?!" It was funny how frequently that question would come up. I never felt like dresses + tights were really all that much colder than just jeans and t-shirts. Plus, the only time it was really cold were those brief moments between a warm car and a warm building. And when I would take outfit photos without a coat on, it's only for a couple minutes and then the coat is back on, keeping me warm. Plus, I suppose growing up in Alaska, you don't really think of the cold as something odd, it just... is.
Well, I'm off to try and accomplish the errands I have to do today despite the yuckiness outside... Oh, and my wedding is featured over at Green Wedding Shoes today, check it out, I'm super excited!