The Joys of Thrifting

The snow finally melted enough for the roads to be decent so I decided to go on a thrifting adventure, and it was a great success! One of my favorite finds was this awesome Madeline-esque hat! It's for sure one of my absolute favorite hats now. I also got a stand for our record player! It's just been sitting on a cardboard box for the last few months and I was looking online at Urban Outfitters lusting after their cute record player stands when I thought I'd try checking the thrift stores before paying the big bucks for one from UO. Lo and behold I found the perfect one at Value Village for only $7.99! It's this old metal table thing with little wings on the side that can fold up and make it bigger. With them folded down, though, it's the exact same width as our record player, and it has space underneath for our records too! Bam! Thrifting wins again.

top(dress)/ruche :: cardigan + shoes/courtesy of modcloth :: hat/thrifted
vintage skirt/gift :: tights+coat+belt/target

A Delightful Giveaway


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