Style resolutions

Modcloth recently asked a few bloggers what their style resolutions were for the new year, and I hadn't really thought of a style resolution yet, so it was fun to come up with a style challenge for myself. My style resolution would be to wear more shorts or pants. I usually wear skirts and dresses simply because I always feel like they're more flattering on me. I'm only 5'1", and I don't have super skinny thighs like those model-type girls whose legs are 5 feet long and the same diameter from calf to groin. Instead, I carry most of my curves in between my knees and my hips. While I always wish I could rock that I-just-walked-off-the-runway casual jeans/cutoff shorts look like those girls whose thighs could never touch (even if they tried), it's more challenging for me to feel like it looks good. But I do like wearing jeans, and especially when the summer comes around, shorts too. So my style resolution is to try to make shorts and pants work for me! Do you have a style resolution for 2012? What is it?!

top/tucker for target :: shorts + coat/courtesy of modcloth :: tights/the stylish fox
bag/ona :: boots/courtesy of blowfish :: mittens/knit by my grandma

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