coral, mint & mustard
It was really sunny and nice out this weekend, so I got really inspired to do some work outside! I wish we weren't renting, as fixing things up and planting flowers just seems like a waste since we're probably just going to move when our lease is up. I'm definitely going to plant some flowers in pots and planters that we can take with us, though. Our lawn in the backyard is half nice grass and half all dandelions, so yesterday I spent a few hours dealing with the dandelion half and this week I'm going to throw some grass seed out there to hopefully make a real lawn happen instead of muddy dirt & weeds. I'm really excited to have people over to sit around a fire and drink beer. We got a fire pit as a wedding present and we just pulled it out of storage and set it up yesterday! I just want to smell like campfires all summer long.
shoes/courtesy of seychelles :: jacket/lulu*s via swap
I've also been working on making a little bar on our back deck to sit at and eat breakfast and drink coffee in the morning, or hang out with friends in the evenings. I'm in the process of finishing it up now with polyurethane, which is taking forever to dry because it's still kinda chilly here. I can't wait till it's done! We got some power tools as wedding presents, too, and I finally got to bring them out and break them in for this project. We've still got some gift cards to Home Depot left from the wedding and I want so many tools! My Dad has the best shop back home in our garage and I aspire to some day have and awesome shop like his.