Bike Style // Business as Usual

Today I'm going in for a second meeting about the marketing position, so I thought I'd feature some fancy bike ladies wearing more business friendly attire.  I'm able to bike to the location of this potential job, and though I wouldn't have to wear anything remotely "corporate," I'm always inspired by women who do have a more strict business dress code and still ride their bikes to work!  I think what I'm learning from these photos is that a basket (or two!) is a must-have.  My fixie isn't really a basket friendly bike, but my Mixte definitely is, and I'd love to put a rack above the back tire for a basket.  As cute as wicker baskets are, I'm becoming increasingly drawn to the classic simplicity of a wire basket, like the first & fourth girls' have.  I think they'd be perfect for hauling fresh produce home from the farmer's market this summer!
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Little White Flowers


Right in the Kisser