Wow, unintentional blog hiatus there! It's crazy how life sometimes takes the reins and you have to ride the wave. I'm up in Seattle tonight with my mom to go to a family friend's graduation tomorrow morning. We hung out, got some beers and walked around Queen Anne before heading over to the University Village to do some window shopping. Well, mostly window shopping, I got a couple things from H&M. Then, we had dinner and headed back to the hotel for the night. It's so great to see family and hang out when I have the opportunity, since we live so far away from each other. Thankfully, from Anchorage, Seattle is the closest place you can fly to in the lower 48, at a mere 3.5 hours in-air.
Anyway, I don't have any photos from our adventures uploaded yet, but here are some pretty things to look at that I've pinned recently. Most of these are from my Simplify board. I've been enjoying pinning images which remind me of the simple joys of life. Click the image to find the source.