Skate Creek

Yesterday Dan & I got home from a big hiking and camping overnight trip where we camped right on the side of this creek!  These pictures are most definitely not from that trip, as this is no camping outfit.  We've driven past this creek a few times in the past month, though, and it's always so gorgeous, so I thought it'd be fun to stop for pictures on our way home.  A creek running through large boulders, with mossy trees fallen across and the sun streaming through huge pines might be one of the most beautiful sights in the whole world.  There's something about the combination of the sounds and textures and the quality of the light that strikes the perfect chord.  I really love living in the Northwest where places like this are so accessible.

dress/courtesy of lulu's :: cardigan/anthropologie :: belt/thrifted
shoes/minnetonka :: necklace/jewelmint :: photos by Dan

On the way home from our little adventure, we stopped in Eatonville and checked out the antique store there.  I'm pretty sure we could browse through antique stores for hours on end and only stop due to hunger.  Dan's been on this big kick of getting "heirlooms" lately.  He wants to get stuff that lasts that will eventually become our family heirlooms.  He ended up getting a little hatchet, which will come in quite handy on our camping/hiking trips, and is currently in the backyard refurbishing it back to it's former glory.  So cute, ahem, I mean manly.  I too love the idea of things handed down through generations.  I absolutely adore looking through my family's old things that used to belong to my grandparents and great grandparents, and pretty much every time I go home I look through the old photo albums full of pictures from when my parents were my age.  I think maybe it has something to do with feeling a connection to my past, my heritage, my ancestors.  I have a beautiful diamond ring from my great grandmother, and I cherish it so.  It's one of the most beautiful things I own.  It's nothing big or ostentatious, just a delicate, beautiful thing.  I hope our future kid(s) are into getting things handed down to them, because we're handing-down types of people.


Homemade Applesauce


Least Likely