fifty shades of fall

Dan and I took a walk through the nearby neighborhoods and happened upon this street completely lined by vibrant red fall leaves.   I love that the color isn't just on the trees, it's completely blanketing the ground as well.  It sort of reminds me of the scene in What Dreams May Come, where the entire environment is a three dimensional painting.  Each little leaf is its own brushstroke.  It's kind of amazing that death can be so beautiful.  Back in college when I took Plant Biology I learned the biological processes which are behind the turning of leaves from their bright green color to all of the crazy amazing fall colors.  Even knowing all that science stuff, it's still quite stunning.  

While we're only just entering fall, back in Anchorage the snow has arrived for good.  Lately I've been kind of sad that Western Washington doesn't have a white winter.  Maybe for a week or two here and there we'll get snow, which will turn into slush and ice after a few days, but nothing like the pure, crunchy goodness of a solid snowy winter.  I think we're planning on going up to Anchorage for Christmas again this year, which would be nice.  I love playing in the snow and how pretty everything is underneath a blanket of white.  It's especially incredible when you wake up to a world covered in hoar frost, and all the trees have become frosty crystalline creatures.  

dress/dear creatures via modcloth :: coat/courtesy of modcloth + diy :: tights/target
shoes/courtesy of modcloth :: bag/ona :: photos by Dan

When I first saw the Dear Creatures fall 2012 lookbook, this dress was the one that really caught my eye.  Simple lines, but enough detail to keep the eye moving around.  I think it'll even be nice to wear as a top with a skirt worn over the bottom of it.  Or maybe with a belted cardigan and some boots.  I think it'll also be a nice spring/summer dress as well. I've noticed that most of the dresses from Dear Creatures tend to function well in any season.  I've never been one of those girls who has different wardrobes for each season, so having pieces that work well year round is important to me.

Inspiration Striking


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