mokkafiveoclock giveaway

Hello everyone, happy Monday!  Today I'm bringing you a giveaway from my sponsor Mokkafiveoclock, a great etsy shop that makes custom fitted, vintage inspired dresses!  Yup, that's right, they make every dress according to your measurements.  Pretty fancy.  Today you've got an opportunity to win a $100 gift certificate to Mokkafiveoclock so you can get your hands on one of their beautiful pieces!

To enter:
Leave a comment on this post letting me know what dress you'll get if you win, plus a way for me to get in contact with you in case you win.

For a second entry, like Mokkafiveoclock on Facebook and then come back and leave an additional comment on this post letting me know you've done so!

The giveaway will be open until Saturday, Oct 27 at 9pm PST.

*my intensedebate commenting went down, so if you previously entered through my intensedebate comment system, don't worry, your entry is still there!  No need to enter a second time :) *

The winner of the Lovenell giveaway is...

Zou Bisou Bisou


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