Life Lately
This past week has been really odd. One of those weeks where a bunch of little things happened that individually wouldn't be a big deal, but put all together causes me to lay awake in bed until 4 am, unable to sleep. Lately I keep having dreams about apprehending our bikes/bike thieves in super awesome ways. I think it might be due to a combination of my subconscious not letting go of the situation and watching too much Revenge. Emily Thorne would've totally schemed a way of finding those bikes, amirite? (no spoilers, we're only on the 1st season!). It's kind of disappointing to wake up and have it not be real though. Damn you, dreams. This next week is going to be absolutely crazy, but in a good way, I think. November, you've gone by so quickly!
Looking forward to...
Moving out of our house. Hopefully. If everything works out like it's supposed to (which it hasn't been lately), we'll be moving next week! I can't even describe how excited I am to get out of this little place. Especially with the events of this past week, it's almost like the universe is telling us to bid good adieu to this house and have no qualms about moving on. Okay, universe. Message received.
Excited about...
Finishing up my last few blog design clients! I'll be taking a break after that which I'm pretty excited for. I've been doing blog design for a solid two years now and, while I love it, I think taking some time off will be a nice time to center myself and do some projects for just me. Start painting or drawing again! Plus, I'm excited about the blog design I'm currently working on for a client, so that's fun too.
Revenge. Dan and I started last week and it's pretty good so far. One of my favorite things is that Tom & Lorenzo blog about it, and I absolutely love the posts they do on Fringe, Mad Men, The Walking Dead, etc. It's almost as fun to read their recaps as it is to watch the episode. I'll almost watch any show they blog about, just because I suspect they wouldn't waste their time blogging a show that sucks. Plus they are absolutely hilarious. But anyway, Revenge is a fun show.
Proud of...
The fact that I've actually been keeping up with this Insanity workout. I've been doing it for a whole month! I'm pretty infamous for starting a workout regimen and then falling off the wagon a week (or less) later. Except for a couple days here and there, I've been able to stay up with it every day, and I feel really great, and definitely stronger. Dan and I are hoping to get a membership at the climbing gym again soon, so it'll be nice to have access to not just the rock walls, but also all the fitness classes and weights. I'd like to start doing more yoga again too!