brick + plaid

Last weekend we went to a party downtown and I was reminded how cool all the old brick warehouse buildings are.  They have such beautiful light and texture.  Some of them have been converted to lofts or businesses, and while I love our house, sometimes I wish we could live in a converted warehouse loft, with huge open spaces and enormous windows.  Granted, practically speaking, that doesn't make much sense.  Heating one of those spaces alone probably costs a fortune.  I would love to have a studio space in one of those warehouses though.  Ever since I saw Katie's studio space, it's been on my mind even more so.  There are just so many of these beautiful buildings downtown begging to have new life breathed into them.

Lately I've been trying to do things that I say I want to do, rather than saying I want to do something and then just... not doing it.  I have a hard time taking all the ideas I have and actually putting them into action.  But I realize that the only reason things aren't happening is because I don't do them!  I saw a quote once that said, "A year from now, you'll wish you'd started today" and I feel like that so frequently.  I want to live more fully.  Less regrets.  Less wishing and hoping.  More doing and being.

top (similar) + boots/thrifted :: jeans/courtesy of for elyse
jacket/courtesy of asianicandy :: bag/joy of ex :: photos by Dan

The next few weeks are looking pretty crazy for me.  I have meetings, two weddings to attend (one of which I'm photographing), a road trip, a photo shoot, graphic design work, planning for some events, and blogging on top of that.  I'm excited, but also a bit anxious.  I'm usually pretty good at planning well, but I still get anxious when so many things are happening in such a short amount of time.  It's like running straight from one thing to the next, either mentally, physically, or both.  But at the end, it feels great to have accomplished everything.



what i'm reading


my fitness routine pt. 2 // what i wear