mother's day party in a box!

If you live far away from your mom, like I do, it can be hard to do something for Mothers' Day that isn't just sending a generic bouquet of flowers.  I wanted to do something for my mom and I'm obviously a last minute person, since I only did this and mailed it out today, so it probably will make it by Monday.  Better late than never!  But I had a ton of fun putting this together.  I was inspired by the pretty little boxes Emma and Elsie sent to announce their new photo app.  Mailing a party in a box seemed like the perfect way to send some Mothers' Day love to my mom!

What you'll need:
A box
Fun tissue paper
Assorted candy + treats (avoid chocolate as it might melt while being mailed)
Party poppers, pinwheels, etc.
Personalized little gifts like nail polish, lotion, gift cards to her favorite spa/restaurant, etc.

Put some confetti into the bottom of your box, add your tissue paper and start adding items!  I gave my  mom some candy so I put it into a plastic bag so it would stay separate, and also not get covered in confetti.  You can also put in some fancier treats like macarons, petit fours, and anything else your mom loves.  I really wanted to put in a mini bottle of champagne, but apparently mailing alcohol is illegal.  Damn.  

I made a little mini banner for my mom to hang up.  I just cut out the letters from cute scrapbooking paper, taped them to a string, and put it in an envelope to keep it safe during transit.  If you're not great at free-handing letters, you can always print out letters instead, or even buy a customizable letter banner from a party store!

Make sure to write your mom a card or letter and throw that in along with your mini party!

I added some more confetti to the package before closing it and filled the extra space with some bubble wrap to make sure things didn't rattle around too much.  My box wasn't too pretty (I had recycled an old box), so I wrapped it in butcher paper.  To make my boxes cuter I like to tape them with washi tape first, and then use clear packing tape over it.  That way it's pretty, but you still get the security of the packing tape (plus, the PO gets mad at you if you use anything but packing tape.  Masking tape gets you dirty looks).


remix archives // tropical maxi


lg optimus g pro mother's day giveaway!