BACK TO BASICS // black tee four

This dress and cardigan are two of my most remixed items in my wardrobe, so it's no surprise they popped up in this challenge.  I'm going to guess the cardigan will probably make another appearance... maybe two.  I've decided to finish the last week of the challenge with a Chambray buttondown top.  I used to have one, but I think it made its way to goodwill some time ago so I'll be thrifting for one in the next couple weeks.  I love the idea of having a chambray top again, the more I think about it the more I think that it's a great basic.  What's kind of funny is that my mom loves basics.  It got to the point that it became a joke between us that she only owns white or black tee shirts.  I, on the other hand, have a crazy closet filled with colors and patterns and almost no basics.  Since my exploration of my own personal style started back in college I've had a lot of fun going shopping with my mom, helping her to branch out from her basics rut.  

I think one of my favorite things about becoming an "adult" is my relationship with my parents.  It's cool to go from being a kid with parents, to having your parents be your friends.  It was so awesome to be up in Anchorage in March, just hanging out with my parents.  We went out to eat at old favorite spots and hip new places that've opened up since I moved away.  My mom and I went to yoga together a couple times.  My Dad and I went to Aces hockey games.  I love experiencing that transition from authority-figure-parents to friend-parents.  Of course, it probably helps that I'm not a teenager being held hostage by raging hormones and emotions any more.  Hopefully someday I'll get to live in the same town as my parents again.  I'd love to have regular lunch dates with my dad and cocktail nights with my mom.  In college I used to call home every Sunday night to chat with my family, but these days the calls are much more infrequent.  Life gets busy and the habit just isn't there any more.  For now I'm looking forward to seeing my mom in a couple weeks when she's in town for a little visit!


dress/lulu's :: cardigan/courtesy of modcloth :: shoes/minnetonka
shell necklace/courtesy of adorn by sarah lewis :: long necklace/handmade
photos by Dan


BACK TO BASICS // black tee five


my essential oil journey