ice cream social

So that ice cream shop I talked about last post?  Yup, this is the one.  If you're in the Tacoma area and you haven't had a scoop of Ice Cream Social, you need to get down there asap. They make each batch of ice cream fresh without using artificial stabilizers, preservatives, or ingredients, and source their ingredients from reputable, local sources as often as possible.  It makes for incredible ice cream, let me tell you.  When we were there to get this cone the other day at like 8pm there was a line out the door!  It's so exciting and refreshing to see local businesses committed to making an amazing product and having the community response in such an awesome, supportive way!
This red wall is right outside of Ice Cream Social's scoop shop and after looking at the photos I realized it reminds me so much of my days taking outfit photos in front of our old red garage door!  It's crazy to think that that was five years ago.  Back when my hair was real long, black, and I had bangs.  I've actually been thinking of going back to all three of those things sometime soon, well, at least in the next year.  It's funny how much has happened since I stood in front of that red garage door.  Jobs, Winnebagos, Hair Colors, Weddings, Corgis.  Five years from now I'll be 32 (holy moly) and who knows what will have transpired in those years.  I want it to be wild.  I remember for pretty much every year of my life I would look back to one year prior and think that there's no way I would've imagined that I would be where I was.  This year is one of the first ones that hasn't been that way.  I remember yearning to settle somewhere.  Since moving to college I'd changed living spaces at least two times a year and after the Winne trip I was longing to put down some roots and stay in the same space for at least two years.  This November will mark two years in our current home.  Roots are nice and stability is comfortable, but in some ways stability has felt a little foreign and stifling.  I was used to doing whatever I wanted, going wherever I wanted, and there wasn't much keeping me from pursuing whims and wanderlust.  I know there has to be a middle ground somewhere, so maybe the next five years will be learning to find that balance between roots and feathers.


dress(similar) + shoes + top(altered)/courtesy of modcloth
necklace(similar)/francesca's collection :: purse/courtesy of minnetonka
shades(similar)/courtesy of lulu's :: ring(similar)/thrifted :: photos by Dan


5 ways to style a headband


ginger banana smoothie