Sweet and Salty. There are so many ways in which Tacoma is both Sweet and Salty. Her people are the salt of the earth. She's nestled within the salty waters of the Puget Sound. Folks here feel a little salty about Tacoma changing, "Keep Tacoma Feared" is the refrain to maintain a Tacoma that was this sweet underdog, a sweet secret that only her residents truly could appreciate.
For those of us who call Tacoma "home," it's a sweet place filled with a vibrant creative community, balanced against the contrast of a salt-of-the-earth blue collar community symbolized by our bustling seaport.
To me, that's what this piece represents. Gritty Tacoma, sweet and salty, arts and labor, a little rough around the edges, but a sweet treasure we call home. 

The port is such a notable representation of Tacoma and her blue collar roots, and I love the stacks and stacks of colorful shipping containers with their various logos. I wanted to play on that, with a stack of three shipping containers with the logos instead saying "home," "sweet," "Tacoma," the top container in the middle of being lifted off by a crane. The backdrop is the striking, graphic cranes with all their complex shapes and cables and, of course, the mountain peeking out. 

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