New York Dolls
Anyway, moving on...
I have discovered this flickr, which is way fun for eyeshadow ideas. I don't wear that much make-up, but as an artsy person it appeals to my sense of design and color. Not much going on today or yesterday, we went up to my cabin for the weekend but the weather turned out to be terrible and we came back. My mother and I are going shopping tomorrow because her wardrobe is severely lacking and she has a job interview next week!
On my list of things I want are:
- Vintage Dresses
- White heels
- a headband
- stuff to make jewelry with
Oh, have I mentioned yet that my mom gave me the most amazing fur jacket from when she was in college? It is the most amazing thing ever. It's rabbit fur and so tacky, and I adore it. Pictures soon. I secretly hope a cold day comes along so I can wear it. Some of you may be thinking, "It's August, when would there possibly be a cold day to wear a fur coat?" Ah, but you forget, I am currently located in the great land of the midnight sun and 50 degree summers! Bring on the fur coats...
The other day I found a gift card for Old Navy from years ago, so I decided to see if it worked. It did! So I bought some dress/tank thing online. I hope it is cool/fits.
I have so many pictures that I have acquired over the years just sitting in my "My Pictures" file on my computer. I don't know what to do with them and I don't want to delete them because they are cool things that I have liked. Here are a few of them:
First, one of my favorite photos by my dear friend Bradley Wakefield
I actually used the background of this for a painting I did for a live auction once.
Second, This wedding dress. My best friend sent me this and I saved it under the name "be her." The lace is beautiful and she is so lovely in it.